Career summary

Junya Kitada
Statutory Auditor To Directors
As of January 26th, 2023
  1. Oct. 1990
    Joined Aoyama Audit Corporation
  2. Apr. 1994
    Registered as certified public accountant
  3. July 1997
    Manager of Audit Dept.
  4. June 2000
    Established Junya Kitada Certified Public Accountant and Tax Accountant Office
  5. Sept. 2000
    Established Accounting Factory, Llc. Representative Director
  6. June 2002
    Chinon Corporation, Auditor
  7. July 2004
    Accounting Factory, Ltd. Representative Director (present)
  8. Mar. 2010
    Best Asset Kabushiki Kaisha, Auditor (present)
  9. Feb. 2011
    Green Development Co., Ltd., Director (present)
  10. June 2016
    Statutory Auditor To Directors (part time) of the Company (present)
  11. Apr. 2020
    ACA Clean Energy Co., Ltd., Outside Director